Click to see all 6sn7 6sn7gt 12sn7 12sn7gt in stock. Etc, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors. Sovtek says that one would have to parallel 15 dual 12ax7type tubes thats 30 sections to get the noise voltage down to one single 6c45. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. The 6c4 is a miniature, mediummu triode suitable for use in a wide variety of general purpose applications. It does not have the same wattage ratings and will make the amp clip faster. Vacuum tube amplifier using a pushpull pair of russian 6c45pi. I have more than 100 pieces, most of them were made in 60s and 70s, this batch is from 1962. It is especially useful as a local oscillator in high frequency and very high frequency receiver circuits. The 37a electron tube is a high figure of merit triode with an. The 6c45pi is a uhf single triode with a central framegrid and anodes each side of the cathode. The anodes are shaped to present a small flat surface close to the grid with the main mass away from the central area. This amazing tube will excel in small signal applications, as well as a driver, or anywhere really precise performance is required. Please see the manual and blog post linked below for full details of what is.
Basically, the 6c45 is a high mu single triode with a low plate resistance and a very high transconductance. Were made for military equipment at reflector plant. In one case to watch out for, the ei tubes are actually marked as 6c10s on the tube, but are actually in fact 6ac10s. Ge essential characteristics, the whole 228 page book in an indexed pdf file big, 11mb. Very high transconductance, incredible linearity, very low noise and low plate resistance. The wellwritten owners manual recommends 300b tubes from. Plate current 40 ma plate voltage 150 volts grid voltage 9 volts transconductance 45,000 umho 45 mav mu factor 52 interelectrode capacitance input 11 pf output 1.
Tube shuguang x2 free cryo 6922 6dj8 e88cc 6n1p cryo 6c45pi cryo 6cg7 6fq7. Home trending history get youtube premium get youtube tv best of youtube music sports gaming movies. Its a common tube to swap in a jim kelley amp, as it handles the higher voltage well, and tames the volume a bit. Added benefits of the tube are that it is very quiet. Gary dews of borderpatrol has chosen 6c45pi driver tubes because it has. It uses a single pentode as the driver a 12hg7 video amp tube, and a solid state.
Russian 6p3s, 6p3se 6n3c, 6n3ce general tetrode, used in output stages of low frequency amplifiers. You can use a c3m low gain in triode mode which is ideal here, a c3g, e180fe280f. There is an option to change the driver for a different valve. Vacuum tube 6c45pi, sovtek antique electronic supply. It does begin to glow at at voltages over 250 to 300 volts depending on the individual tube. The 6s45pe is a highdurable, longlife triode vacuum tube used as a wideband power amplifier.
Meanwhile the distortion products are lower than the 6922 but at 23 more gain see chart below. I struggle to find the internal capacitances of the 1sh29b in its data sheet. All of the tubes were visibly upset at any screen voltage above 300 volts. Complete tube data is in every single box, like big transmitting us wwii tubes. Highquality russian 6s45pe 6c45pe tube, equivalent to the we437. Double triode, 6h8c datasheet, 6h8c circuit, 6h8c data sheet. Russian 6s45pe 6c45p e 645 highquality triode vacuum tube used as a wideband power amplifier. Well, it was obvious i couldnt leave last post as it was. Dieters nixie tube data archive this file is a part of dieters nixie and display tubes data archive if you have more datasheets, articles, books, pictures or other information about nixie tubes or other display devices please let me know. This tube has a very high transconductance for exceptional performance in preamplifier and driver circuits. Modern use of the valve would be as a voltage amplifier in low level audio circuits. Borderpatrol se300b stereo amplifier the audio beat.
Modern use of the valve would be as a voltage amplifier in low. The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and, excluding the b7g base pins, is 47 mm tall. The 6c4 electrodes when put into pairs in the same envelope become the 12au7. Uhf voltage amplification in grounded cathode circuit in input and wideband amplifiers. It uses a single pentode as the driver a 12hg7 video amp tube, and a solidstate. The 6c45p 6s45p in the western alphabet is a high mu triode with a very high transconductance, incredible linearity, very low noise, and low plate resistance. I had some and used them in my jks when i had them. Some sellers on ebay have simply been advertising the 6ac10s as plugin substitutes for the 6c10. Made in ussr, reflektor factory for military equipments otk, military rhombus stamped. Wcox056107b watercooled packaged chillers with helical.
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